Montclair Painting Areas We Serve

Montclair Painting has offered interior painting and exterior painting in North Jersey since 1984, and have been family-owned and operated ever since.

With an unwavering work philosophy, we, Montclair Painters are committed to the complete satisfaction of our clients.

Once we complete your paint job in Montclair, we want you to not only love it but feel like you got the deal of a lifetime. That’s why we go above and beyond to deliver exceptional painting services!

Our company undertakes painting – interior and exterior, for private and professional spaces. Our many years of experience in the field, enables us to complete any painting work, with excellent results and at competitive prices.

Because we know the importance of color in your space, we use materials of exceptional quality and durability and we have advanced technology painting systems.

For the painting renovation of your store, our know-how in wall paints, styles, wallpapers, wooden surfaces, floors, etc, gives us the opportunity to offer you a variety of options to meet your aesthetic and quality needs.

Paint your life with beautiful colors

Colors have the power to intervene decisively in the image and the feeling that our environment gives us.

They can radically change the impression that a space exudes, adapting uses, functions and relationships between volumes.

They are, after all, the most visible factor in connecting separate rooms and, if used consistently and elegantly, are ideal for giving style and character to the interior of a home or office. Finding and choosing the right colors and shades is a fun affair that will stimulate your creativity.

Special painting techniques for all areas surrounding Montclair

With special painting techniques, Montclair Painting breaks away from the standard, usual way of painting, offering impressive results. Simple or complex, discreet or eccentric, the painting techniques differ both in the degree of difficulty and in the result they are intended to deliver.

Other times the feeling and texture of materials (wood, metal), other times the impression of aging and maturation of the space and other times the illusion of depth and relief on flat surfaces.

Most decorative painting techniques are based on the use of suitable accompanying materials and the addition or removal of paint before it dries. The simplest ones can be a simple two-tone or three-tone that we want to create on a wall, or the repeated use of a default stencil in a children’s room for example.

In other cases, it is necessary to create some effects on the walls or ceilings that give the look of washed (color washing), antique, aged or embossed with specific textures (matte, broken, wild). Often, what is required is a plausible representation of a natural material, such as wood, marble, granite, or metal.

The tools Montclair Painting will need depends on the style you choose that can be from very simple (such as suitable brooms, brushes, spatulas, sponges, brushes and rollers), to very specialized.

The materials that may be required for the performance of specific styles start from plaster, sand, cork and simple scraps of stone, granite, marble and reach the specialized paints and special additives that can give your surface very impressive textures.

Maintaining simplicity and avoiding last minute additions and exaggerations, the application of such techniques can highlight a space and bring excellent aesthetic results.

Request Your Free Montclair Painting Estimate

If you’re ready to transform the picture of your home, we can help. Our Montclair’s Painters team is dedicated to giving you a higher quality result that makes your property sparkle and adds value. Contact our team at 973-494-1710 for a free painting estimate.


Below you will find a list with the areas we serve: